All publications


PRiORiTy Usability Study


Lessons Learnt and Share Learnings at the EFGCP Annual Paediatric Conferences


A matrix tool to foster patient engagement in children, adolescents and young adults: report from a multistakeholder workshop


Better Medicines for Children: Lessons Learnt and Share Learnings at the EFGCP Annual Paediatric Conferences


Using facial reaction analysis and machine learning to objectively assess palatability of medicines in children


Feasibility of an App-Assisted and Home-Based Video Version of the Timed up and Go Test for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: vTUG


Video-based assessments of activities of daily living: generating real-world evidence in pediatric rare diseases

White paper

The Impact of Video Electronic Outcome Assessments (vCOAs)

White paper

How to Meet Regulatory & Compliance Requirements for Capturing eCOAs in Clinical Trials


The Digital 1-Minute Walk Test: A New Patient-centered Cardiorespiratory Endpoint

White paper

Measuring What Matters with eCOAs: A New Era of Patient-Led Innovation


Recommendations to address respondent burden associated with PROs


A patient-centred and multi-stakeholder co-designed observational prospective study protocol: Example of the adolescent experience of treatment for X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH)

White paper

Enhancing Global Studies with Commercial-Grade Wearable Data

White paper

Pixels or paper? Exploring Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Clinical Trials